Creating a New User Account and a S3 bucket in AWS
“This week my team has tasked me with creating a New User Account and a S3 Bucket with a unique name in Amazon Web Services.”
- Create a user called “test-user” with a custom password
- Add a “S3 full access” policy to your test-user
- Login into your AWS account as “test-user”
- Create an S3 bucket and give it a unique name
AWS Management Console with an IAM user.
Part 1.1 Create a user called “test-user” with a custom password
1.2 From our AWS Management Console dashboard, let’s proceed with creating a new user using the service IAM.
1.3 Using IAM, you can securing access all of your AWS services and resources for users in your AWS account. AWS IAM (Identity Access Management) user is an entity that you can create in AWS to represent the persons or application that uses it to interact with AWS.
1.4 Next, let’s click on “Users”. A “user” in AWS consists of a name and credentials:
1.5 Now, let’s add a new user to our account:
1.6 Now, let’s type in the new user’s name for the account. In this case, we will be naming the account “test-user”. Next, let’s check the box for “Programmatic access”, this allows our new user to access API, AWS, CLI, or Tools for Windows PowerShell. “Programmatic access” provides a key on the Final page, which is available by downloading the “.csv” file or we could simply view this key on the Final page as well.
1.7 Next, we will also check the box for the “AWS Management Console access” since our new user will require access to the “AWS Management Console”.
1.8 Next, we decided to create our new user a “Custom password”, we just have to make sure we follow the password criteria in order for us to complete the setup.
1.9 Now, we can proceed to the next screen by clicking “Next Permissions”:
Part 2.1 Add a “S3 full access” policy to your test-user
2.2 Now let’s add S3 full access to our new user “test-user”, full access to S3.
2.3 Granting the new user, “test-user”, to the “AmazonS3FullAccess” policy, grants our user read write access to an object in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Now, let’s review our changes. After taking a few moments to review our changes, it looks like the new user account is all set, let’s proceed with creating the account by clicking “Create user”:
Part 3.1 Login into your AWS account as “test-user”
3.2 Now that we have successfully created our “test-user”, now can proceed with logging into it. Let’s begin by downloading our “.csv file”. This file contains our test-user’s “Access key ID” and “Secret access key”. The “Access Key ID” is used for identifying the access key logs, configurations, etc. It’s considered sensitive data in some cases. The “Secret Access Key” is basically your password and only available when you first create the account.
3.3 After we download our “.csv file”. Let’s store this file in a location on our local drive.
3.4 Once we have saved out “.csv file”. Now we are ready to login. Since we have granted our new user access to our AWS Management console, we a use the url to sign in:
3.5 Once we click on the link that is provided, we are taken to our AWS Management console sign in page, our “Account ID” will be auto-generated for us.
3.6 The “IAM user name” will be “test-user”. The password will be the “custom password” we created.
3.7 Next, click “Sign in”
Part 4.1 Create an S3 bucket and give it a unique name
4.2 Now that we have successfully signed into our “test-user” account. We are currently looking at the “AWS Management Console Dashboard”, now we are ready to create our S3 bucket, from the dashboard, click “S3”, since that was the most recent service I used:
4.3 Now that we are on our “Amazon S3” Dashboard, select “Buckets” then let’s proceed with “Create bucket” option:
4.4 Now, let’s give our “S3 Bucket” a unique name:
4.5 Next, let’s keep the box ticked for “Block Public Access settings for this bucket”:
4.6 Leave everything as it is and select “Create bucket”:
4.7 Wahoo! Our S3 bucket that we created with a unique name, was a success, now it’s ready for use:
That’s all for now, thanks for reading!